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Title : Perfect Memory Training
Author : Dr Fiona McPherson
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Synopsis : Perfect Memory Training is essential reading for anyone who wants to strengthen their powers of recall. Written by Dr Fiona McPherson, a psychologist with years of experience in the field, it explains how memories are created and stored, sets out a range of techniques to help you improve these processes, and provides exercises to help you track your progress. Whether you want to get better at remembering names, faces, lists or pieces of general knowledge, Perfect Memory Training has everything you need to boost your mental ability.

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Title : The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Author : Sean Covey

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Synopsis : Being a teenager is both wonderful and challenging. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, author Sean Covey applies the timeless principles of the 7 Habits to teens and the tough issues and life-changing decisions they face. In an entertaining style, Covey provides a step-by-step guide to help teens improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, get along with their parents, and much more. In addition, this book is stuffed with cartoons, clever ideas, great quotes, and incredible stories about real teens from all over the world. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens will engage teenagers unlike any other book.An indispensable book for teens, as well as parents, grandparents, and any adult who influences young people, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is destined to become the last word on surviving and thriving as a teen and beyond.

Title : Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man

Author : Steve Harvey

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Synopsis : Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years, whether it's through the "Strawberry Letters" segment of his program or while on tour for his comedy shows. Yet when it comes to relationships, they can't figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve it's because they're asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds light on concepts and questions such as:

  • The Ninety Day Rule: Ford requires it of its employees. Should you require it of your man?

  • The five questions every woman should ask a man to determine how serious he is.

  • And much more . . .

Sometimes funny, sometimes direct, but always truthful, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships.

Title : The Book of Awesome

Author : Neil  Pasrichia

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Synopsis : Based on the award-winning blog, The Book of Awesome is a high five for humanity and a big celebration of life's little moments and the underappreciated, simple things that make us happy, from popping bubble wrap to hitting a bunch of green lights in a row, to waking up thinking it's Monday and realizing it's Saturday. With wise, witty observations from writer Neil Pasricha, this treasure trove is filled with smile-inducing musings that make readers feel like kids looking at the world for the first time: AWESOME!

Title : Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary A Biography

Author : Premilla Mohanlall

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Synopsis : Syed Mokhtar Albukhary is one of the most well-known tycoons in Malaysia. Yet, very little is known about the man. Some businessmen crave publicity and love to see their names in print. Others tend to be media shy and rarely give interviews. Syed Mokhtar belongs to the second category. But here, in this single volume, is the story of his life and his career as an entrepreneur par excellence.

Based on exclusive interviews and extensive research by the author, this biography traces Syed Mokhtar's humble beginnings and examines the family life and upbringing that imbued in him the qualities that still defines what he is today.

Title : Majalah JOM ! - Isu No. 24

Author :​ ​DEENREACH

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Synopsis : Majalah Jom! adalah majalah untuk aktivis dakwah muda. Berkonsepkan separa serius-santai. Mengandungi kolum-kolum menarik dan segar berkaitan gaya hidup Islam, tarbiyah, dakwah dan harakah (gerakan) Islam.

Kandungan Majalah Jom! disumbang oleh kolumnis dan penulis prolifik yang terdiri daripada tokoh dakwah, golongan profesional, selebriti yang telah berhijrah dan penulis-penulis muda dari dalam dan luar negara.

Dakwah itu mudah - Bukan sekadar kewajipan tetapi gerakan yang menghidupkan!

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